Using a distinctive blend of computer animation, digital video and 8mm film shot entirely on location in Vermont and Western Massachusetts, 7 TO 10 DAYS is a gripping medical drama that takes a compassionate, eye-opening look into the lives of everyday people dealing with chronic illness, while raising important questions about the possible role of environmental issues in viral outbreaks. The film tells the story of Simone Juarez and Neal Goldman, a young man with the Epstein-Barr virus, a chronic disease that attacks the immune system, putting him at risk for opportunistic infections. On a road trip through Southern Vermont's pristine Green Mountains the couple camp in what they believe to be an unspoiled wilderness. After a kayaking accident, Neal develops a strange rash and slight fever. When his symptoms take a sudden, severe turn for the worse the couple enlists the help of a local naturopathic physician Dr. Jody Noé in an attempt to discover the true nature of Neal's illness. As Neal is rapidly swept away on the tide of his sickness he is checked into a local hospital where Simone must engage in a battle of wills with the unsympathetic doctors, a battle that quickly escalates into a desperate attempt to save her lover's life, and her own.