Hosted by Jack Barry, this studio documentary includes as its guests: Larry Keyes, Public Information Officer for Vermont Yankee; Dr. Herbert Kotus of the AEC; Dr. David Rose, MIT; Senator Abraham Ribicoff, head of the Senate Subcommittee on Reorganization, Research and International Organizations; Diana Sidebotham, President of the New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution; former Federal Power Commissioner Charles Ross; James Griffin, President of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation; Donald Vadenburgh, Vice President of the Yankee Atomic Electric Company; and Carl J. Hocevar, representing the Union of Concerned Scientists. Nuclear power is currently the only alternative to oil and coal as a major source of energy. The AEC, three years ago, predicted that 90 nuclear reactors would be producing approximately 12 percent of the nation's electricity by now. In fact, current levels are far short of that optimistic projection, falling at 6 percent, with 51 reactors in operation.