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Education: BA (DePauw University, Economics and English,1956); MA (Indiana University, Journalism, 1962); PhD (Indiana University, Political Science and African Studies, 1967). Certification in Swahili (UCLA, 1963). Experience: United States Air Force (1956-1959), Highest rank, Captain; Correspondent, Asia and Africa (1959-1960); Graduate Fellow, Indiana University (1960-1963); PhD Research Fellow East Africa (1964-1966); Indiana University Fellow (1966). Assistant Professor, Michigan State University (1966-1969); Associate Professor, Michigan State University (1969-1971). Founder and Editor, Rural Africana (1967-1971); Correspondent for East Africa, American Universities Field Staff (1969-1985); Director, Documentary Film Project, AUFS (1972-1978); Professor, Research Professor, Community and Family Medicine, Dartmouth Medical School (1978-2016); Adjunct Professor, Dartmouth Department of Anthropology (1982); Adjunct Professor, Dartmouth Department of Environmental Studies (1981-2012); President, African Caribbean Institute, 1983-present; Founder and Editor, AIDS and Society (1988-1994); Director and Co-Director, Civil Military Alliance to Combat HIV/AIDS (1992-2000); Advisor, United Nations (UNEP, UNAIDS, WHO, 1990-2005); Professor Emeritus, Dartmouth Medical School, 2017-present. Honors and Awards: Research and teaching fellowships, Indiana University (1960-1966), faculty grants, Michigan State University (1967-1969). Teaching citation, MSU, 1968. Twenty field research grants, contracts, and project awards (National Science Foundation, Ford Foundation, UNDP, WHO, UNAIDS, UNEP, USAID, USDoD, et al.,1967-2002). Publications: 7 books, 90 articles and papers on African politics, rural politics, pedestrian societies, rural development, wildlife management, traditional healing, cross-cultural medicine, HIV/AIDS policy, HIV/AIDS in world military, witchcraft, witchcraft violence, human rights, visual evidence, ethnographic film (see bibliography). Films: Produced/directed 28 educational documentary films funded by National Science Foundation, USAID, International Planned Parenthood Federation, Food and Agriculture Organization (UN). Topics: anthropology, agriculture, development, women, education, socialization, religion/beliefs, human adaptation, population issues (see filmography). Background: Born, Rochester, Minnesota, 1933; schooled Mexico City, Arlington, Virginia. Married: Judith von Daler, 1973, in Nairobi, Kenya. Children: Scott Kellogg Miller, Amy Victoria Miller Eberhardt. Resident, Norwich, Vermont. [bio from https://normanmillerarchive.com/about-norman-miller/norman-miller-bio/]
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