The life, writings, wit, and humor of the late Walter Hard of Manchester, Vermont comes to life on stage with "A Hard Look at Old Times." Combining nostalgia with affectionately told stories, this one-man play stars Andrew MacMillan and was performed on stage at the Dorset Theatre Festival in the summer of 1983. Written by John Nassivera and directed by Jill Charles, this program presents excerpts from that play. For 40 years Mr. Hard wrote of New England townships and his book "A Mountain Township" was nominated in 1934 for a Pulitzer Prize. One of the main strengths of Vermonters, says Hard, is their ability to stay silent for long periods of time. To quote one reviewer, "Walter Hard, silent since his death in 1966, speaks loud and clear in "A Hard Look at Old Times."
Funded in part by grants from the Factory Point National Bank, The Vermont Book Shop, and the Johnny Appleseed Bookshop