The story of Franklin County, Vermont. The land, the history, the industry, the people, and the way of life in the Northwest county of Vermont. The important industries in the county are shown, from dairy-farming, maple sugaring, wood harvesting and processing, metal fabricating, printing, food processing, and transportation; as well as many little-known manufacturing activities. A great variety of products are created by the people of Franklin County, but even with the income from manufacturing, and even with the rich bounty of productive agricultural land that supports more dairy farms and produces more maple syrup than any other county in the state, Franklin County has problems. Consistently, the area has had a high unemployment rate; the young people are leaving to find jobs out of the country and out of the state. The film reveals the current problems, but speaks to the people about their history and heritage, and about the challenges and the opportunities of the future. It is a story of pride and hope that will be of interest to every Vermonter. Produced by Vermont Educational Television in cooperation with the Franklin County Regional Planning and Development Commission.
Bronze Award from the International Film and TV Festival of New York in November of 1974.