film by genre: Documentary Title Year Genre Length
Land of Promise 1974 Documentary, Educational, History :42
Last Stand Farmer 1976 Documentary :25
LCWS At 20 2004 Documentary :15
Leahy First Campaign for Senate 1974 Documentary, Biography, Promotional film :30
Leaving the Harbor 1992 Documentary 1:17
Legacy For a Small Planet 1980 Documentary, Environment, Educational :59
Legends of American Skiing 1983 Documentary 1:18
Leo in Vermont 1985 Documentary :58
Life and other Anxieties 1977 Documentary 1:30
The Light of Day 1998 Documentary
Little Jersusalem: Burlington's Jewish Community 2012 Documentary, Cultural, History 1:00
Living with HIV 1991 Documentary
Looking Back at Me 2017 Documentary :26
Lost Lost Lost 1976 Documentary 2:58
Manhattan, Kansas 2006 Documentary 1:18
Marching for Action on Climate Change 2007 Documentary :55
Mayday Documentary :21
Michael Hanish raw footage of Guilford, for Freedom & Unity: The Vermont Movie 2012 Documentary, Raw footage
Middlebury College Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference 1971 Documentary :56
Milestones 1975 Documentary 3:15
Mind Games: A Love Story 2006 Documentary
Nancy Ellis Swanton Missisquoi Powwow footage for Freedom & Unity: The Vermont Movie 2008 Documentary, Ethnographic, Raw footage, folk traditions
Nancy's Story Social Issue, Documentary :05
Nat Winthrop's outtakes and footage for Freedom & Unity: The Vermont Movie 2010 Documentary, Raw footage, behind the scenes footage
Nelson Algren: The End is Nothing, the Road is All 2015 Documentary 1:27
The New Intervale 2004 Documentary :30
Noble Hearts: Civil War Vermont 2005 Documentary, Educational, History :59
The Northeast Kingdom 2014 Documentary :06
Northern Borders (Behind the scenes) Documentary :30
Northern Railroads 1995 Documentary :56

Showing 151 - 180 of 275