This Vermont Educational Television production for the Eastern Educational Network under a grant from the Ford Foundation describes the events of the Vt. - N.Y. Youth Project of the summer of 1968, and the Thanksgiving reunions of its participants. Mr. Garry Simpson of Vermont Educational Television is the executive producer. Black and white teenagers of varying cultural and recreational backgrounds from New York City and Vermont participated in a summer project in which they lived, worked, and played together. This film highlights the activities of the teenagers during the summer project as well as recent firsthand reactions of their Thanksgiving holiday reunions in New York and Vermont. A highlight of the reunion will be a group sing-along led by Sandy and Caroline Paton, professional native Vermont folksingers. The culmination of the program will be a combined church service held in the octagonal church in Richmond, Vermont -- built in the early 1800s. Program host for the evening is Lorne Greene, of TV's Bonanza.
Funded by a grant from the Ford Foundation.